

“...we are reaching an irreversible tipping point for nature and climate, and over half of the global GDP, $44 trillion, is potentially threatened by nature loss."

World Economic Forum.



Few industries are as dependent on the climate as agriculture. The versatile API time series information on basic parameters, threshold maps and more complex risk analysis helping agricultural engineers understand the evolving climate. However, we know that a single tool can’t do it all and that is why we offer complimentary datasets with in depth insight for specific crops factoring in irrigation, fertilisation and other inputs.


Young people have a voracious appetite for real climate information and the ability to explore the data easily would be invaluable. Rich tools that meet the specific users’ needs can quickly be built over the API to deliver the most interesting insights and encourage exploration. The broad impact and global nature of climate change makes it an ideal set of data to integrate with many other data sets. Higher education has a need to integrate climate change data into their specific field. For example, understanding bee population change or changes in farming. Climate scientists are generally content to download the source climate data, process gigabytes or terabytes to get to the information they need. For everyone else, there’s an easy to use API.


Sustainability Reporting - Built Environment

The API provides climate risk insight for the built environment including offices, factories, and even large site operations like airports. These users need location specific climate information covering a range of time horizons. The API supports on-demand access that allows users to explore the most meaningful threshold values and the widest range of data before settling on the precise boundary values for a report. The flexibility to output the data in a range of formats supports the creation of reports, spreadsheets or further analysis. The data can be regridded and aggregated allowing it to be easily integrated with other data sets.

“Climate change is the single greatest threat to a sustainable future but, at the same time, addressing the climate challenge presents a golden opportunity to promote prosperity, security and a brighter future for all.”

Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-General of UN

Public Awareness

Engaging the public on the topic of climate change is about relevance. The API supports relevance through global coverage, a broad range of parameters and on-demand processing. The public can quickly be given answers to contemporary climate questions for their location. For example, following a heatwave, there may be a surge in interest about heat health, following a storm there may be a surge in interest in high winds, rainfall and flooding.


Local Government

The API provides local governments with a spectrum of capabilities to explore the future climate of their own location. It also offers users the insight into other locations that already have that future climate. It supports local governments in framing communications to justify strategic decisions and take their community and other stakeholders with them.


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